
Hasnain says:

This has been a glory to watch. still surprised the PR team let the CEO on TV to do that massive bungle earlier this week.

“But there’s something else, something maybe even more significant. While the Big 3 automakers have helped make this a pivotal moment, because fighting them means fighting corporate America in so many ways, the workers have also turned this into a crucial fight, because they embody our hope. Not only is the union explicitly fighting for the working class, they’re open about the class war nature of this struggle. UAW president Shawn Fain was recently asked about corporations and pundits accusing him of engaging in class war, to which he replied, “It's hard when I hear that not to just die laughing because the truth is the working class in this country has been under attack in a one-sided class war for decades.” And it’s true. What else could you call the CEO raises and the investor paychecks, when you stack them up next to the stagnant wages of workers? Not to mention the stripping of pensions, the creation of tiers where newer workers get screwed, labeling workers as temporary employees for years and years, and so much more.”

Posted on 2023-09-18T01:43:00+0000