
Hasnain says:

There’s some interesting anecdotes here about working in big tech and career growth but I cannot get past the fact that the author just… took code from one employer to another, then open sourced it at the second employer (without permission) when the project got canned. And even now just says the companies are welcome to contact him about this if they like.


“You won’t have the opportunity to take lessons away from the project if you see the sunsetting of the project as a failure: there’s often much to learn about what non-technical aspects of the project broke down. Perhaps there aren’t any, and maybe management is just a group of fools! But often that’s not the case; your delicately milled cog wasn’t ripped out of the machine because it was misunderstood, it was ripped out because it didn’t operate smoothly as a part of the larger system it was installed in”

Posted on 2023-09-16T04:28:56+0000