
If We Want a Shift to Walking, We Need to Prioritize Dignity

To make walking and rolling a desirable, everyday activity, we need facilities that are compliant, safe and dignified.

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Hasnain says:

Learnt a lot about urban design from this one.

“Creating compliant sidewalks and trails is a high priority for agencies seeking to avoid litigation and serve pedestrians on the most basic level. Although that has some benefits, it isn’t enough. Whether actively undermining walkability (like removing crosswalks to achieve ADA compliance) to simply not doing enough (adding a new curb ramp to an otherwise wheelchair-hostile sidewalk), we need to go much further.

To make walking and rolling a desirable, everyday activity, we need facilities that are compliant, safe and dignified. We have many examples in our communities of great pedestrian ways — but we have a long way to go to make it universal, and truly move the needle toward walking.”

Posted on 2023-08-01T03:54:44+0000