
Hasnain says:

Read this in the morning while having breakfast and it's chock full of solid advice on running a company, hiring, selling, and the economy. Well worth a read!

"Planting the seed creates luck: writing or similar activities can help. Jean blogged both at MIT – where this blog helped new grads get into the school, and thus grow her network – as well as Akita – where her blog was how Postman’s CEO connected with Jean.

There is a good question of whether Akita would have sold to Postman had it not been for some of these side activities – like writing online – that helped create luck.

It takes hard work to make the most of your privilege and luck. Jean emphasized how she does not think much of her story is replicable for everybody, thanks to a lot of privilege she had as well as the luck in this story. But it still took a lot of hard work to make the most out of this situation, and a lot of grinding that followed.

You can also speed up building your network by doing more, or with more “grinding.” Yes, Jean had the privilege of going to MIT. However, it was her hard work and involvement with the community that built up a reputation, so that years later her former classmates would be enthusiastic to recommend her to their network.

Whatever group you are currently in – at work, at a professional organization, or at school – your actions and connections with others can help shape your reputation, and thus help build your network within that group."

Posted on 2023-07-20T22:38:56+0000