
Moderator Mayhem: A Mobile Game To See How Well YOU Can Handle Content Moderation

Play Moderator Mayhem in your browser » Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of our newest game in partnership with Engine. Moderator Mayhem is a mobile, browser-based game that lets y…

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Hasnain says:

I knew this work was hard and grueling from all I have read and heard but seeing this with the time pressure really demonstrates that. And… that’s even without being forced to see the horrifying material these poor moderators are forced to look at day in day out.

“So much of the discussion lately around content moderation and trust & safety doesn’t come from a place of any kind of actual experience with moderating content and understanding the competing pressures, both internal and external, towards allowing free speech, protecting user safety, and complying with various laws and other factors.
A friend of mine in the trust & safety world once suggested that these conversations would be a lot more useful if everyone had to spend a few days moderating an actual community, and could learn how content moderation is not about “suppressing viewpoints,” but almost always about understanding really complex scenarios in which you have to make decisions in a very limited period of time, with limited information, and where there may not be any “right” answer.
Enter: Moderator Mayhem.”

Posted on 2023-05-25T04:46:02+0000