
How to Fix Slow PostgreSQL Queries | OtterTune

Fixing Slow PostgreSQL Queries is sometimes a challenge for each case but our team always engages with our customers and is eager to sort out any problems.

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Hasnain says:

On one hand I understand not exposing too many software knobs to users. On the other hand, especially with complex systems like optimizers, sometimes you really want an override…

“One way to solve this problem is to add hints to the query to tell the optimizer the right way to join these two tables. But PostgreSQL famously does not support plan hints (at least not natively — you have to install pg_hint_plan). In our example, the customer did not have the necessary permissions to install this extension in RDS, and the person who could do it was on vacation.”

Posted on 2023-05-25T04:29:19+0000