
Elon Musk threatens to re-assign @NPR on Twitter to 'another company'

Musk, who has been scuffling with the media since acquiring the platform last year, asked if NPR was going to start tweeting again.

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Hasnain says:

I keep thinking twitter (Elon) has made its dumbest decision yet and then…

“One former Twitter executive was taken aback by the remark, telling NPR that such a threat should be alarming to any business operating on the site, since it indicates that acquiescing to Musk's every whim may be necessary in order to avoid being impersonated.

For most of its 17-year history, Twitter has had rules that maintained a certain level of order and offered both individuals and organization some control over their presence on the platform.”

Posted on 2023-05-03T03:50:38+0000