
Opinion | Just How Hypocritical Are the Supreme Court’s Conservative Justices Willing to Be?

Why critics are saying that the conservative justices are exercising political, not judicial, power.

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Hasnain says:

“But what should not be subject to dispute is the hubris of the same justices turning their backs on a half-century’s worth of limitations on the court’s power that they articulated, all for the purpose of striking down a social policy they don’t seem to like adopted by a Democratic president. Such a move would provide yet another example of a supposedly bedrock principle of conservative jurisprudence being tossed aside now that the conservative majority is ascendant. And it would do nothing to rebut growing charges that the justices are partisan political actors as much as they are neutral, independent jurists — further eroding public confidence in the Supreme Court and in the judicial system more broadly”

Posted on 2023-03-14T19:59:43+0000