
Restaurants can’t find workers because they’ve found better jobs

Nearly three years since the coronavirus pandemic upended the labor market, restaurants, bars, hotels and casinos remain perpetually short-staffed. But these workers didn’t disappear, they found better jobs.

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Hasnain says:

“She traded in her apartment in Boston for her childhood bedroom in Bowdoin, Maine, moving in with parents to briefly work at a private school. Eventually, the 28-year-old found a job working on exhibits at a children’s museum a couple of hours away.

That short-term plan has become a permanent one. McGrath makes less than she did in restaurants but has far better benefits, including paid time off, health insurance and a predictable schedule. For now, at least, she’s done with restaurants.

“It feels like a healthy change,” she said.”

Posted on 2023-02-04T06:00:39+0000