
What Comes Next for the Most Empty Downtown in America

Tech workers are still at home. The $17 salad place is expanding into the suburbs. So what is left in San Francisco?

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Hasnain says:

“The nearly 160,000 square feet that Yelp left empty is about half of the building’s space, and about half of that has been re-leased. The good news for Pembroke seems less good for the city. Some of the new tenants are finance and venture capital firms that have clung to the gravitas of a physical office for client meetings and the occasional conference but are unlikely to contribute regular foot traffic, according to building owners across the city.

In a typical downturn, the turnaround is a fairly simple equation of rents falling far enough to attract new tenants and the economy improving fast enough to stimulate new demand. But now there’s a more existential question of what the point of a city’s downtown even is.”

Posted on 2022-12-18T15:21:18+0000