
Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - one library at a time

Most popular libraries can be sped up by avoiding unnecessary type conversions or by avoiding creating functions inside functions.

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Hasnain says:

Some great wins here. When I saw people complain about JS build times and how they moved things to Rust or Go; I was (perhaps naively) assuming the tools had been optimized as much as can be in JS. Being proven wrong here.

“At this point I stopped looking, but I'd assume that you'll find more of these minor performance issues in popular libraries. Today we mainly looked at some build tools, but UI components or other libraries usually have the same low hanging performance issues.

Will this be enough to match Go's or Rust's performance? Unlikely, but the thing is that the current JavaScript tools could be faster than they are today. And the things we looked at in this post are more or less just the tip of the iceberg.”

Posted on 2022-11-30T06:15:46+0000