
How to 'act your wage,' according to 2 millennials who did it: 'If a company is paying you, let's say minimum wage, you're gonna put in minimum effort'

Workers are sticking to their job descriptions and nothing more by quiet quitting and acting their wage. They say it's all about setting boundaries.

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Hasnain says:

“But the pushback to quiet quitting reveals more about managers than workers — showing they have always expected overwork. Employees are no longer onboard with that, especially as prices rise, wages don't keep up, and going above and beyond just results in more work. That's where acting your wage comes in.

"If a company is paying you, let's say minimum wage, you're gonna put in minimum effort," Soto said. "If you're acting your wage, that means that the amount of labor that you're putting in reflects the amount that you're getting paid. So you're not going to go above and beyond and do the job of two to three people and do all this extra work if you're really not even making a livable wage."”

Posted on 2022-09-14T00:13:02+0000