
Two dozen tech founders living in a mansion. What could go wrong?

A Vox investigation into Launch House, a startup incubator that promised community, but failed to protect its members.

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Hasnain says:

Sigh. Tech bros will be tech bros.

“On May 21, 2021, the team hosted their monthly “gala,” where Launch House members and friends gathered at the Beverly Hills mansion for a party. They loaded in a carful of booze, and though the founders had claimed they’d planned on only around 100 guests, hundreds more were added to the guest list. “Brett [Goldstein] told the girl at the door to let anyone in, regardless of Covid tests,” said one attendee. “If they weren’t on the guest list, as long as they were hot or had a lot of followers,” they could enter. “Even if Covid weren’t a thing, I’m sure it would have been a fire safety issue,” said another. “It wasn’t a networking event anymore; it felt like a club.” More concerning was the presence of seemingly underage girls, some of whom were seen falling over or passed out on the curb outside.”

Posted on 2022-09-13T04:53:29+0000