
The Kidney Transplant Algorithm’s Surprising Lessons for Ethical A.I.

The kidney allocation score determines who gets a life-saving transplant. Here’s how it was made.

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Hasnain says:

The story they highlight here is really interesting. One frustrating takeaway I had here was just how much folks in computer science tend to reinvent things from first principles and ignore valuable work and research done elsewhere. Especially with AI, the stakes are super high - let’s not skip the ethical decisions, please. Algorithms are never neutral. It’s never just math.

“Along with all its faults, I think the Seattle committee also gave us much to admire. It was profoundly, even uncomfortably, honest about the hard choices at the center of kidney medicine. It refused to pretend that such choices were—or ever could be—entirely technical. And it tried, albeit clumsily, to democratize the values inside a complex, high-tech system. The Seattle physicians and their lay colleagues were rationing a scarce supply of dialysis treatments. But even after Congress provided dialysis for everyone, the shortage of transplantable kidneys was destined to spark similar questions, ones we still face today. And Scrib’s experiment with sharing the moral microphone (along with other stories I tell in the book) helped spark the system we have today.”

Posted on 2022-09-01T04:54:55+0000