
Why your website should be under 14kB in size |

Why your website should be under 14kB in size Also available to read on (warning it is much larger than 14kB) Having a smaller website makes it load faster — that's not surprising. What is surprising is that a 14kB page can load much faster than a 15kB page — maybe 612ms faster — while ...

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Hasnain says:

Great little piece of technical advice I hadn’t heard about before.

“Once you lose the autoplaying videos, the popups, the cookies, the cookie consent banners, the social network buttons, the tracking scripts, javascript and css frameworks, and all the other junk nobody likes — you're probably there.

But, assuming you've tried your very best to fit everything into 14kB, and can't — the 14kB rule is still useful.

If you Make sure the first 14kB of data you send to your visitors can be used to render something useful — for instance some critical CSS, JS and the first few paragraphs of text explaining how to use your app.”

Posted on 2022-08-26T03:53:21+0000