
So you've decided to start a free software consultancy...

Recently a friend of mine told me that he was planning to start a free software consultancy, and asked for my advice, as I have an extensive background doing free software consulting for a living. While I have already given him some advice on how to proceed, I thought it might be nice to write a blo...

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Hasnain says:

This had some useful advice - it rings true though I have no way of verifying it.

“These are just my observations from nearly 20 years of doing professional consulting around FOSS. There is no singular right way of running a consultancy, but these are the key aspects that helped me to maintain good working relationships with my customers.

Running a FOSS consultancy is hard work, but can result in a sustainable business, if you are willing to put in the work.”

Posted on 2022-08-12T03:42:23+0000