
The Buffalo Shooter Isn't a 'Lone Wolf.' He's a Mainstream Republican

The right-wing extremists who control the modern GOP are all gripped by a racist delusion. The shooter is just the latest to act on it

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Hasnain says:

“When the rhetoric of an entire movement devolves into Manichaean demonization of their political foes; when demographic shifts are represented as apocalyptic; and when a party can appeal to nothing but the consolidation of white power, it is an inevitability that such rhetoric will leave bodies in its wake. The Republican Party caters chiefly now to those who claim that to be born the wrong color is an act of genocide, and act with appropriate fervor. There has never been a lone wolf when it comes to racist terror in the United States; it suffuses every aspect of our politics and policy, and in latter years the mass howl of fear at change comes from a jaw that drips with blood. As long as we fail to recognize the wellspring of racial animus that animates the right wing in this country, the corpses will continue to accrue.”

Posted on 2022-05-16T01:09:59+0000