
Xilem: an architecture for UI in Rust

Rust is an appealing language for building user interfaces for a variety of reasons, especially the promise of delivering both performance and safety. However, finding a good architecture is challenging. Architectures that work well in other languages generally don’t adapt well to Rust, mostly bec...

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Hasnain says:

This was a really interesting exploration that goes into the complexities of building good UIs in general (state is hard!) and in particular how to do them in Rust which imposes additional constraints I’m on how you manage state. Looking forward to trying this at some point.

“The work presented in this blog post is conceptual, almost academic, though it is forged from attempts to build real-world UI in Rust. It comes to you at an early stage; we haven’t yet built up real UI around the new architecture. Part of the motivation for doing this writeup is so we can gather feedback on whether it will actually deliver on its promise.

One way to test that would be to try it in other domains. There are quite a few projects that implement reactive UI ideas over a TUI, and it would also be interesting to try the Xilem architecture on top of Web infrastructure, generating DOM nodes in place of the associated widget tree.”

Posted on 2022-05-08T10:51:56+0000