
How the far-right is turning feminists into fascists | Xtra Magazine

ANALYSIS: The terrifying confluence of anti-trans thinkers, American evangelicals, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists and global purveyors of dark money poses a much bigger threat than you might realize

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Hasnain says:

The exponential growth of anti trans activism on the far right (which is now becoming scarily normalized by certain parts of the US media and politics; and extremely common in say the UK) has been very worrying to watch and read about and fight against. This goes into some of the origins of the movement.

“I keep going back to my conversation with Lavin about the Hirschfeld archives. Burning them was one of the first things the Nazis did, but it certainly isn’t what we remember them for. The fact that trans people make an easy first target doesn’t mean we will be the last or even the most important ones. The longer I look at all this, the more information I assemble, the more my mind drifts back to that long-ago fire.

The thing is, fire always spreads. Look around you and see what’s already burning. “

Posted on 2022-04-02T03:32:59+0000