
US unions see unusually promising moment amid wave of victories

Labor strategists hope wins will turn into a larger trend but acknowledge it won’t be easy as corporations fight fiercely against unionization

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Hasnain says:

I am really happy to see more unionization efforts succeed, despite some horrible anti union efforts from companies that are household names. The fact that the quote mentions some of these tactics as “traditional” is eye opening:

““We’re in a moment when we are questioning how effective traditional union-busting tactics are,” said Rebecca Givan, a labor studies professor at Rutgers. “Traditional union-busting tactics like scaring immigrants and dividing workers by race – how effective they are has been brought into question.” Givan said workers at Starbucks stores that have unionized speak with workers at other Starbucks to inoculate them against anti-union efforts by telling them what anti-union message and tactics to expect.”

Posted on 2022-03-18T06:15:29+0000