
Everyone Was Surprised By The Senate Passing Permanent Daylight Saving Time. Especially The Senators.

An inspiring story about how presumptuous Senate staffers can accidentally make history.

Click to view the original at

Hasnain says:

I really don’t know what to make of this now. Faith in the system: reduced. At least we’re all confused by this!

(For the record I support the change and am happy this is happening).

“This system raises the question: If any senator can pass a bill on any day, why aren’t people trying this all the time? Why doesn’t Sen. Bernie Sanders slip into the Senate when no Republicans are around and use unanimous consent to pass the Green New Deal? Why doesn’t Sen. Ted Cruz wait until Democrats are eating lunch and then single-handedly repeal Obamacare? Why doesn't Sen. Chuck Schumer make Tide pods look less delicious?”

Posted on 2022-03-18T05:40:54+0000