
The Four Innovation Phases of Netflix’s Trillions Scale Real-time Data Infrastructure

The blog post will share the four phases of Real-time Data Infrastructure’s iterative journey in Netflix (2015-2021). For each phase, we will go over the evolving business motivations, the team’s unique challenges, the strategy bets, and the use case patterns we discovered along the way.

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Hasnain says:

Great read - it’s a mix of a career story and a history of streaming platforms at Netflix. Lots of great technical details in here!

“Raise abstraction by combining the best of both simplicity and flexibility. There is much value in understanding the deep internals of various data technologies, but not everyone needs to do it. This line of thinking is especially true as cloud-first data infrastructures are becoming commodities. Properly raising data infrastructure abstraction becomes the immediate opportunity to make all the advanced capabilities easily accessible to a broader audience. Technologies such as streaming SQL will lower the barrier of entry, but it’s just the beginning. Data Platform should also raise abstraction to the dividing boundaries (e.g., streaming vs. batch) are invisible to the end-users.”

Posted on 2022-03-11T03:41:02+0000