
Missouri lawmaker seeks to stop residents from obtaining abortions out of state

Abortion rights advocates say the measure is unconstitutional. But it could signal a new strategy by the antiabortion movement to extend influence beyond the conservative states poised to tighten restrictions if the Supreme Court overturns the landmark precedent protecting abortion rights.

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Hasnain says:

I’ve been trying to avoid sharing news recently cause it’s gotten quite depressing, but the concerns being highlighted today are just something else. First this, then the anti LGBTQ bills in Florida, the horrific anti-trans laws being passed in Texas, and Idaho also trying to pass laws making it illegal to get basic healthcare (and banning travel across state lines to do so). When will this end?

“Coleman’s proposal still may succeed in deterring out-of-state abortions, said Myers. Like the Texas law, the proposal itself could have a chilling effect, where doctors in surrounding states stop performing abortions before courts have an opportunity to intervene, worried that they may face a flurry of lawsuits if they violate the law.

Coleman rejects arguments that her law is unconstitutional.

“That’s what they said about the Texas law, and every bill passed to protect the unborn for the last 49 years,” she said.”

Posted on 2022-03-09T03:19:32+0000