
Behind the Twitter Bot Posting the Gender Pay Gap of Brands Celebrating IWD

We spoke to the person who made the Gender Pay Gap Bot calling out empty corporate celebrations of International Women's Day.

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Hasnain says:

The linked thread is absolutely infuriating and hilarious at the same time. I’m so glad companies are getting called out on their BS.

“In some cases, the gulf between men and women’s median hourly pay has been as much as 40 percent (see: Missguided, which celebrated IWD by “paying it forward” to customers in cash and asking them for the best advice they’ve received. empowering!). At Young’s Pubs, a pub chain in London, women are paid a shocking 73.2 percent less than men.

Some companies have chosen to delete their tweets entirely rather than face criticism, as in the case of Aston University, where the median hourly pay for women is 25.8 percent lower than men’s. “My alma mater do not like being faced with reality,” one Twitter user noted of the deletion. Another user’s thread collating all the deletions has already over 2,300 retweets.”

Posted on 2022-03-08T21:22:22+0000