
The Politics of Pancakes | History Today

History Matters The Politics of Pancakes In England, Shrove Tuesday has not just symbolised feasting, fasting and family, but riot and rebellion, too. Taylor Aucoin | Published in History Today Volume 71 Issue 2 February 2021 On Shrove Tuesday 1270, the monks of Beaulieu Abbey in the New Forest rewa...

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Hasnain says:

“For, while Shrove Tuesday remains essentially an occasion for the household in England, that institution has fundamentally changed. It is now a private sphere, separate from the workplace and built around the nuclear family. No longer is it a public amalgam of family and industry populated with master and dame, children, servants, journeymen and apprentices, all temporarily bound together by a feast of pancakes.”

Posted on 2022-03-06T06:55:25+0000