
That Wild Ask A Manager Story - Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Ask A Manager had a wild story a week ago. A company interviewed someone, hired him, but when he showed up for work … it was a totally different person. A friend asked, “if this was your hire, and you manager asked you to change your hiring practices to prevent this, what would you do?” Not...

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Hasnain says:

The original story this is referencing is wild and absolutely worth a read. But I love this meta analysis because it calls a pattern I’ve seen people reference and it’s not great.

“If we start to imagine adding steps to the interview process to protect against an imposter job candidate, the “solutions” we come up with are quite aggressive. We could ask candidates on video (or in person) to see a photo ID and match the ID against the resume. But this would seem very weird. It starts an interview off in a hostile manner, and send the a strong message of distrust. Honest candidates – which are, remember, the vast majority – will wonder why the heck this company is acting so weird, and will rightly see this as a red flag about the company culture. There will be negative consequences for your hiring practices. For example, anyone who goes by a name that doesn’t match their government ID could be forced into an uncomfortable explanation. Congratulations: your attempt to identify fraudsters has accidentally created a transphobic hiring practice.”

Posted on 2022-02-15T07:43:47+0000