
The unreasonable effectiveness of one-on-ones

When I started dating my partner, I quickly noticed that grad school was making her very sad. This was shortly after I’d started leading an engineering team at Wave, and so the “obvious” hypothesis to me was that the management (okay, “management”) one gets in graduate school is totally in...

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Hasnain says:

Great article on why *good* one-on-ones are so important. It’s sad that very few people put in the time and effort needed to do them well.

“One is that grad schools are really dysfunctional. If I, a person whose sole qualification is caring a lot, could help Eve speed up her dissertation by ~25%, then her philosophy department is leaving a lot of productivity on the table. But that was last week’s rant.

On the flip side, I also now think the “caring a lot” qualification is way more important than I used to.”

Posted on 2022-02-01T07:18:10+0000