
AG Ferguson investigation shuts down Amazon price-fixing program nationwide | Washington State

Amazon will pay $2.25 million, stop its “Sold by Amazon” third-party seller program SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that, as a result of his office’s price-fixing investigation, Amazon will shut down the “Sold by Amazon” program nationwide. The Attorney General’...

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Hasnain says:

"As a result, when prices increased, some sellers experienced a marked decline in the sales and resulting profits from products enrolled in the program. Faced with price increases, online customers sometimes opted to buy Amazon’s own branded products — particularly its private label products. This resulted in Amazon maximizing its own profits regardless of whether consumers paid a higher price for sales of products enrolled in the “Sold by Amazon” program or settled for buying the same or similar product offered through Amazon."

Posted on 2022-01-27T03:21:45+0000