
Google Team That Keeps Services Online Rocked by Mental Health Crisis

Members of the search giant’s site reliability group say managers fostered a toxic environment. Google says a ‘safe, inclusive workplace’ is a top priority.

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Hasnain says:

This story is so infuriating and scary. So many terrible examples in here, and of course the accused failed up and was promoted.

What I found really jarring:

1) HR acknowledged the person was given feedback but no policies were violated. This doesn’t make sense given the quote below, but also with multiple googlers calling this out as something brought up in annual training
2) multiple googlers on twitter (will link the thread) back up similar feelings, and go on to say many others have done similar things.


“Especially jarring, according to these employees, was Aubert’s treatment of Shari McHenry, who at the time handled budgeting and made sure there were enough machines in place to run each digital service. Aubert gave many of her responsibilities to a newly recruited male manager, who wasn’t ready or able to take on the duty for months. In an interview, McHenry said Aubert began saying to people on the team, “Can’t Shari retire? She should have enough money.” Almost 60 at the time, McHenry said she had no plans to leave.”

Posted on 2022-01-21T17:10:57+0000