
Short-staffed NYC schools are asking teachers with mild COVID symptoms to return to the classroom

In New York City, teachers who tested positive five days earlier can return to the classroom if they have mild or no symptoms.

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Hasnain says:

Really feeling for all the children, parents, teachers, and really everyone right now. This situation does not look like it will end well without much more drastic measures that the government seems to be unwilling to take right now. This guidance says it all:

β€œFor teachers who test positive, symptoms that would allow them to return include a "minimal cough" β€” they can't be "coughing up phlegm" β€” and symptoms have to be mild or improving. Teachers will have to distance themselves if they take off their "well-fitting higher-level face covering" to eat or drink. They also must "must continue to stay at home outside of work" and "observe" other elements of isolation until 10 days pass.

They will not need a negative test to return to school. β€œ

Posted on 2022-01-05T17:42:33+0000