
‘Success Addicts’ Choose Being Special Over Being Happy

The pursuit of achievement distracts from the deeply ordinary activities and relationships that make life meaningful.

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Hasnain says:

Great read covering psychology, happiness, depression, and overwork.

“The first step is an admission that as successful as you are, were, or hope to be in your life and work, you are not going to find true happiness on the hedonic treadmill of your professional life. You’ll find it in things that are deeply ordinary: enjoying a walk or a conversation with a loved one, instead of working that extra hour, for example. This is extremely difficult for many people. It feels almost like an admission of defeat for those who have spent their lives worshipping hard work and striving to outperform others. Social comparison is a big part of how people measure worldly success, but the research is clear that it strips us of life satisfaction.”

Posted on 2021-11-07T18:43:52+0000