
Justice department chastises Utah school district for ignoring racial harassment of Black and Asian students

Davis School District has intentionally ignored “serious and widespread” racial harassment in its schools for years, according to a U.S. Department of Justice report.

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Hasnain says:

Every single example here is horrifying, holy crap.

“The department does not note what prompted its audit. But in May 2019 — two months earlier — Davis School District drew national attention when the family of a biracial boy who went to school there filed a lawsuit, describing how the boy was purposefully shut in the doors of a school bus by the driver and left dangerously dangling outside as he drove forward.

The report specifically mentions that incident, saying that it was seriously mishandled by the district, which focused on protecting “certain employees from discipline” rather than worrying about the boy being endangered. The district later acknowledged it had received previous complaints about the bus driver’s discriminatory behavior that were brushed aside.”

Posted on 2021-10-25T15:34:46+0000