
'Carol's Journey': What Facebook knew about how it radicalized users

Internal documents suggest Facebook has long known its algorithms and recommendation systems push some users to extremes.

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Hasnain says:

“One team invoked the lessons learned during QAnon’s moment to warn about permissiveness with anti-vaccine groups and content, which researchers found comprised up to half of all vaccine content impressions on the platform.

“In rapidly-developing situations, we’ve often taken minimal action initially due to a combination of policy and product limitations making it extremely challenging to design, get approval for, and roll out new interventions quickly,” the report said. QAnon was offered as an example of a time when Facebook was “prompted by societal outcry at the resulting harms to implement entity takedowns” for a crisis on which “we initially took limited or no action.””

Posted on 2021-10-23T05:25:23+0000