
Some reasons to work on productivity and velocity

A common topic of discussion among my close friends is where the bottlenecks are in our productivity and how we can execute more quickly. This is very different from what I see in my extended social circles, where people commonly say that velocity doesn't matter. In online discussions about this, I....

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Hasnain says:

This is worth internalizing - I found myself nodding along. Working on pure execution speed doesn’t seem worth it, even though it has been one of the most important things I’ve done. The ability to avoid the “death by a thousand papercuts” problem by simply cutting down the time to address any individual one does wonders.

“More generally, Fabian Giesen has noted that this kind of non-linear impact of velocity is common:

There are "phase changes" as you cross certain thresholds (details depend on the problem to some extent) where your entire way of working changes. ... ​​There's a lot of things I could in theory do at any speed but in practice cannot, because as iteration time increases it first becomes so frustrating that I can't do it for long and eventually it takes so long that it literally drops out of my short-term memory, so I need to keep notes or otherwise organize it or I can't do it at all.

Posted on 2021-10-17T19:02:08+0000