
Who Is the Bad Art Friend?

Art often draws inspiration from life — but what happens when it’s your life? Inside the curious case of Dawn Dorland v. Sonya Larson.

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Hasnain says:

I usually enjoy human interest stories to learn more about different perspectives and upbringings; and they usually touch upon a novel piece of knowledge for me.

This is none of these things - it just goes into someone being terrible and I’m honestly not sure I would have read it if I wasn’t in a car waiting for a while. Lots of mixed feelings here. You have been warned.

“But there also was something clarifying about it. Now more than ever, she believes that “The Kindest” was personal. “I think she wanted me to read her story,” Dorland said, “and for me and possibly no one else to recognize my letter.”

Larson, naturally, finds this outrageous. “Did I feel some criticism toward the way that Dawn was posting about her kidney donation?” she said. “Yes. But am I trying to write a takedown of Dawn? No. I don’t care about Dawn.””

Posted on 2021-10-05T19:53:48+0000