
App Store Payments Will Have Increased Competition | Kalzumeus Software

App Store Payments Will Have Increased Competition August 28, 2021 Late on Thursday, Apple announced some refinements to their App Store policies. The most important one is about so-called “steering”, which is the practice of letting customers know about out-of-app options for transacting with t...

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Hasnain says:

This was written *before* the judge's ruling in the Apple v Epic case. But I think most of the arguments still apply and it will just be more relevant than ever.

"This improves the margin on currency purchaes from about 70% to about 85%, at a stroke, which is an incredible 20% lift for one engineering sprint.

Genshin Impact has transacted more than a billion dollars through app stores to date. Imagine that you are the PM of revenue for it. Not implementing this costs millions of dollars per week you delay.

I predict, with over 90% confidence, that games are going to implement experiences like this within 6 weeks. Genshin Impact will almost certainly roll it out by October."

Posted on 2021-09-14T01:28:56+0000