
there is no such thing as a “glibc based alpine image” – Ariadne's Space

there is no such thing as a “glibc based alpine image” For whatever reason, the alpine-glibc project is apparently being used in production. Worse yet, some are led to believe that Alpine officially supports or at least approves of its usage. For the reasons I am about to outline, we don’t. I ...

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Hasnain says:

TIL symbol versioning.

“The alpine-glibc project attempts to package the GNU C library (glibc) in such a way that it can be used on Alpine transparently. However, it is conceptually flawed, because it uses system libraries where available, which have been compiled against the musl C library. Combining code built for musl with code built for glibc is like trying to run Windows programs on OS/2: both understand .EXE files to some extent, but they are otherwise very different.”

Posted on 2021-08-27T05:24:59+0000