
The Groundbreaking Decision that Just Struck a Blow to Our Racist Immigration Laws

Nearly 100 years ago, Congress passed a law making it a felony to re-enter the US after being deported. Now a judge has found it too racist to be allowed.

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Hasnain says:

“Judge Du is right about the bigotry inherent in our immigration laws, but conservatives like the bigotry and liberals will be afraid that trying to stop it will just piss off the conservatives.

But at least this opinion exists now. It’s out there, and future lawyers and judges can read it and maybe think differently about the core assumptions at the heart of our immigration system. A lone federal judge cannot stop 100 years of bigoted policies, but if you want to know what a truly progressive legal analysis looks like, Judge Du just spelled one out.”

Posted on 2021-08-20T15:34:18+0000