
Hasnain says:

Really great read on burnout and working sustainably. The content was quite relatable, and it's very well written.

"I struggled to see the impact of burnout on my life until my coach held up a mirror and asked me to think honestly about how it was affecting me. There was a level of desperation and frustration in my voice that she had never heard before in the decade we had worked together. Having her reflect the acuteness of my feelings back to me clarified just how much burnout had skewed my thinking.

The burnout thief steals your peace of mind, but it often doesn’t leave obvious tracks. Here is a quick checklist for assessing whether you are experiencing burnout. These were the things I struggled with when I felt burnt out, even though I could hide it from others most days. If you answer “true” to more than half of these, consider finding a path out of where you are. "

Posted on 2021-08-16T19:56:57+0000