
Why Are the World’s Greatest Mangoes Almost Impossible to Buy in the U.S.?

Customs restrictions, high transport costs, and a short shelf life have made the world’s greatest mangoes — grown in Pakistan — difficult to come by in the U.S.

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Hasnain says:

This was such a good read, mixing human interest stories with context on supply chain logistics, economics, and import regulations.

“This year, the Chaunsas in particular were sugary bombs of caramel, citrus, and grassy flavors, with a hint of rose that lingered on the tongue. My father, honestly not a big food lover, was praising God upon eating them. If the Mexican mangoes were a night out at a dinky jazz club, the Pakistani ones were a full-on Beyoncé concert, capable of changing your whole life.”

Posted on 2021-08-14T05:23:33+0000