
Embrace the Grind - Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Sometimes, programming feels like magic: you chant some arcane incantation and a fleet of robots do your bidding. But sometimes, magic is mundane. If you’re willing to embrace the grind, you can pull off the impossible.

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Hasnain says:

So relatable and very solid advice. I can relate to the given example of triaging a large backlog of issues - sometimes my best work and ideas have come through looking at every single bug (out of hundreds) looking for patterns and improvements. There is a fine line between pointless grind and useful grind but most folks seem to shy away from both - at a large cost.

“I often have people newer to the tech industry ask me for secrets to success. There aren’t many, really, but this secret — being willing to do something so terrifically tedious that it appears to be magic — works in tech too.”

Posted on 2021-07-16T01:52:45+0000