
Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg’s Partnership Did Not Survive Trump

The company they built is wildly successful. But her Washington wisdom didn’t hold up, and neither did their close working relationship.

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Hasnain says:

“Toward the end of the conversation, Ms. Couric posed the question that few were bold enough to ask Ms. Sandberg directly: “Since you are so associated with Facebook, how worried are you about your personal legacy as a result of your association with this company?” Ms. Sandberg didn’t skip a beat as she reverted to the message she had delivered from her first days at Facebook.

“I really believe in what I said about people having voice. There are a lot of problems to fix. They are real, and I have a real responsibility to do it. I feel honored to do it,” she said, with a steady voice and calm smile. She later told aides that inside, she was burning with humiliation.”

Posted on 2021-07-09T06:56:21+0000