
Hasnain says:

This is really scary to read. Goes into the life of a celebrity but this is so much more: indictments of our legal system, approaches to mental health care, family drama, and so much more. There were a lot of things to pick out - horrible treatment from family, being forced to pay for all of this at her own expense, and it was hard to pick just one white to highlight.

“According to Jonathan Martinis, the senior director for law and policy at a center for disability rights at Syracuse University, one of the most dangerous aspects of guardianships is the way that they prevent people from getting their own legal counsel. “The rights at stake in guardianship are analogous to the rights at stake in criminal cases,” Martinis said. “Britney could have been found holding an axe and a severed head, saying ‘I did it,’ and she still would’ve had the right to an attorney. So, under guardianship, you don’t have the same rights as an axe murderer.””

Posted on 2021-07-03T19:48:08+0000