
Why Bill Gates and John Kerry are wrong about climate change - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Despite what Bill Gates has to say—let alone climate czar John Kerry, who should have known better—we don’t have to rely on a miracle coming out of nowhere to deal with climate change. We already have all the technologies we need, here and now—and these tools will only get a lot better and c...

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Hasnain says:


“Of course, none of this is easy. Nurturing the full flowering of these innovations and speeding their deployment will require immense political will, big investments, and a whole passel of supportive policies. But we should have the imagination and faith to understand that climate change is one problem that we can solve.

There’s no Gates-ian fairy tale, no Franzen-like acceptance of disaster, and no awaiting the invention of some Kerry-like miracle technologies.

As physicist Ray Pierrehumbert once wrote in these pages about renewable technology, “It is time to stop quivering in our boots in pointless fear of the future and just roll up our sleeves and build it.””

Posted on 2021-06-03T19:27:05+0000