
Hasnain says:

IGN had come out in support of the Palestinians in a way I had never seen any US corporation do before - ever - and it was so well lauded. A lot of people, myself included, were really disappointed when it was (inevitably) taken down.

This offers more insight into just how that happened and I am glad the employees are taking a stand against corporate.

“Importantly, we feel the latest statement dangerously turns what was a matter of supporting innocent civilians facing a humanitarian crisis into a harmful case of “both sides”-ism. Helping children and civilians harmed by the horrors of war should be uncontroversial no matter who the two sides are, and is in keeping with IGN’s ongoing efforts to highlight causes that are important to our team — such as our support for Black Lives Matter last year and our more recent celebration of AAPI Heritage Month and joining the call to end AAPI hate. The victims here deserve the same support.”

Posted on 2021-05-18T05:23:55+0000