
The transatlantic institutional anti-mask campaign, summarised

Early in 2020 as the pandemic began to surge around the world, Asia and the West were divided on whether people should wear facemasks to try and stop/slow transmission of the new virus. In short, Asian countries went very heavy on masks early on, while most Western countries initially said they woul...

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Hasnain says:

Interesting catalog of COVID history that is trying to preserve an archive for when the dust settles. I’m definitely interested in following this one.

“One of the most bizarre episodes in public health had resolved, and was almost instantly memory-holed. Now it was those not wearing masks who were stigmatised- those who adopted the prevailing view of March 2020 only a few months later found themselves accused of psychopathy or toxic masculinity.

But how on earth and why did this happen? Was this a noble lie? a fumble? self correcting science? We’ll be exploring all of that next week”

Posted on 2021-05-13T06:54:09+0000