
Oracle VP Ken Glueck Suspended by Twitter for Doxing an Intercept Reporter

A tweet from Oracle Executive VP Ken Glueck goading his followers into harassing a female reporter was found to violate Twitter’s policies, the company told Gizmodo on Wednesday.

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Hasnain says:

Oi. This is not a good look, and I’m quite surprised legal was ok with a VP publishing the original “rebuttal” - which reads like a six year old with a grudge wrote it.

“That tweet was the latest attack on the Intercept’s Mara Hvistendahl, who last week published an exposé detailing how reseller networks in China reportedly funnel Oracle’s tech into the hands of the country’s government. In response, Glueck published roughly 2,700 words worth of rebuttal on the official Oracle blog, helmed by a request for readers to send “any information about Mara or her reporting” to his personal Protonmail email address.”

Posted on 2021-04-29T15:57:06+0000