
If You Don't A Have Mental Illness, Here's What It's Like

Dear Friends, If you don’t suffer from mental illness, there’s something you need to know about those of us who do, because it may be impossible for us to tell you—and we really want to tell you. There is a disheartening pattern that begins on many of our days. We wake up fully intending to…...

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Hasnain says:

“I’m telling you this because it isn’t easy for us to tell you. It is difficult to say, “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it, I felt a crushing despair that I couldn’t shake,” or “I’d have called, but I was curled up in a ball trying to find a reason to keep going.”

You probably wouldn’t judge us or ridicule us for this admission, but the voice in our heads tells us you would—because that is how it works. Mental illness is an inside job and it knows what buttons to push.”

Posted on 2021-04-24T22:33:43+0000