Why Silicon Valley's most astute critics are all women | John Naughton
Tailors and dressmakers figured out that men and women are different shapes and sizes. The news has yet to reach Palo Alto
Hasnain says:
“So we now have a networked world dominated by an industry that oozes tech-bro arrogance and affluence combined with a profound ignorance of what life is like for most people. The tech elites who create the products and services are unlikely to have experienced social exclusion, racism, misogyny, poverty or physical abuse. And in particular they have little idea of what life is like for women, although, given the scandals about sexual harassment in tech companies, you’d have thought they’d have some idea by now. In those circumstances, it’s hardly surprising that the people who are likely to be the industry’s most perceptive critics would be smart and well-educated women.”
Posted on 2021-04-05T00:24:01+0000