
I want my employee to be more engaged and work more hours — Ask a Manager

A reader writes: Just to preface, I’m not in the U.S. The minimum wage in my country is about $20 an hour, but the cost of living is higher than the U.S.

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Hasnain says:

“ But when your argument is “you should work hours you don’t want to work and do it for the equivalent of $2/hour to help increase the profits of a business owner who won’t give you anything additional for your effort” … why would she? Why should she? There’s no inherent virtue in helping someone else make money (and especially when she herself makes less!). If you want her to do more, you’ll have to offer something that will make it worth it to her (and even then, she gets to decline).”

Posted on 2021-04-02T03:50:37+0000